Estou a entardecer...
The Rose: Just what species or, shall we say, genus are you, my dear?
Alice: Well, I guess you would call me... genus… humanus... Alice.
Daisy: Ever see an alice with a blossom like that?
Orchid: Come to think of it, did you ever see an alice?
Daisy: Yes, and did you notice her petals? Such a peculiar color.
Orchid: And no fragrance.
Daisy: And just look at those stems.
The Rose: Rather scrawny, I'd say.
Bud: I think she's pretty...
The Rose: Quiet, bud!
Alice: Oh, but that's nonsense. Flowers can't talk!
The Rose: But of course we can talk, my dear.
Orchid: If there's anyone around worth talking to.
Daisy: Or about.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll